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1.What is TRIGON Coin?

TRIGON Coin (TRGN),  aims to be the most advanced version of the digital currency in world full of unknowns and losses and ensure the safety of both investors and platform users. It is a semi-pegged currency whose base is fixed at 1 dollar, but whose ceiling point is not determined. It has been built on getting rid of the perception of digital uncertainty, especially for early access investors and users in our ecosystem.

1.1 Possible Downfall and Uncontrolled Process Management

TRG unique system keeps the perceptions such as "Dip Point" and "Buying Point", which are tried to be created with the aim of gaining in "Down Trends", in a certain place due to the system, and thus always provides investors with a fixed entry level. There is no limit to the gains, while the loss chart is only kept at the $1 level.

In addition to all this, TRGN, which serves a ready audience, is a digital economy system that is expected to become not only a currency, but also an undeniable need in terms of its functionality. TRGN, which will be used as the key for all transactions and needs within the TRIGON Platform, is thus a currency that will never be abandoned.

Another risk factor found in today's digital currency and stock market networks is high volume instant entries (Whales). Unlike many digital currencies and platform-based value units that leave investors and users alone with negative effects as a result of such high-volume transactions, TRGN has been designed with the following features to keep its investors and users safe;

In the case of an asset ownership of more than 10% of the total liquidity pool, it will bring a transaction limit to the wallets belonging to this asset without blocking profits, allowing it to take profit with a certain percentage and make transactions within a certain period of time.

Important Note: TRIGON EXCLUSIVE (TRGX) owners are not included in this transaction limitation. Individuals who are investors in Privileged Private sales will be excluded from this rule. In addition, TRGNX, which goes beyond the usual investor contracts, offers its investors the opportunity to trade whenever they want, at the rate they want and in the volume they want.

2.What is TRIGON Launcher?

TRIGON is a unique platform that brings players, developers, investors and gamers together in one application. Thanks to this unique multi-functional platform, a definite solution to reliability problems is provided, as well as the uncertainty and difficulty of use caused by the presence of concepts such as "Gaming, Crypto Transactions, Game Funding Systems and Investment Advice" in different places in Web 3.0 and the daily internet network.

With the innovations and opportunities offered in the game world and the pioneering qualities it provides in the financial network, it is clear that TRIGON will accelerate to the place it deserves in a very short time in line with the analyzes and surveys made.

This platform, where people can earn money on a regular basis within their investments and conditions, has been designed by considering the faults and shortcomings of all past ecosystems, play-to-win games, crypto money projects. In this way, it has successfully passed all simulations and has been described as an unshakable “digital fortress” in the new economic order.

2.1 Goal & Vision

Although the concept of digital money has gained momentum all over the world with the steps taken by the IMF in the recent past, it is planned that this area, which is still very new and open to firsts, will serve as a bridge between knowledgeable and interested users and people who have not dared before or millions of people who love to play video games. With this vulnerability in mind, the TRIGON Platform and TRGN were designed as the “first” in demand. Web 3.0 and all the features found in daily use were combined in TRIGON Platform in a homogeneous and planned manner.

This community, in addition to the 20% of the world's population who are already in the crypto money network, can attract a 55% audience who want to be an investor but cannot join this network due to their lack of knowledge and not wanting to take risks, and 74% of video gamers into the digital economy network.